Santa & Cole Babel
By Àngel Jové

In the midst of the Spanish transition to democracy, a fresh, provocative group of artists and architects began to sow the seeds of what would later become a multicolour explosion of modern night bars, very popular in the early 1980s, contrasting with Barcelonas grey, mundane paronama at the time. Àngel Jové was one of those urban conspirators.
The lamp refers to the biblical story of the unfinished Tower of Babel, where humans were divided into linguistic groups, victims of their ambition. The Babel lamp, however, offers a different perspective; its robust tower is perfectly finished and shines with convening power. To use alabaster, solid or hollow, was considered an affront to predominant trends at the time. Alabaster was viewed as kitsch, without the constructive strength of marble, or the noble, translucent quality of onyx; it was scantly used by the souvenir industry for tourists.
This handcrafted, one-of-a-kind piece is the ideal companion for late night conversations. A spectacular lamp that creates a mesmerising light and an intimate atmosphere.